Beyond follows the journey of comedian and self proclaimed “energy expert”, Mike Kelton, as he tries to solve his real life problems via supernatural means. Instead of going to a therapist, Mike goes to mediums, ghost hunters, past life regressionists, special healers, and astrologers. Can a witch solve his dog’s aggression issues? Can a hypnotist cure him of his Diet Coke habit? Can he use his powers as an empath to exorcise a demon from a thrift store in the East Village? And for the love of God, can anyone tell Mike if he should move to to LA!? Whether you’re a believer or not, join Mike for an open-minded, hilarious, and emotional journey through the incredible world of all things spiritual, spooky, and downright BEYOND!

We recently released our third season! You can listen to all six episodes here.



In my time at the Forever Dog Podcast Network, I produced twenty shows that released a countless number of episodes.

Here is a small sample for your enjoyment.


Bangin’ With Chloe Veitch: Growing, Eating Out, and Wifing Up with Eden Harvey and Lloyd Hulme
Executive Producer

Homecoming Queens: They Don’t Gotta Like It Cause We Love It (w/ Mary Fitzgerald)
Executive Producer